Efficient Kernel Smoother in the ONNX Format

Efficient data processing lies at the heart of modern machine learning. Kernel smoothing, a versatile non-parametric technique, benefits significantly from performance improvements through optimized algorithms and frameworks. In this post, we’ll explore the process of converting a NumPy-based kernel regression implementation, utilizing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), into an ONNX-based format. This approach not only ensures platform independence and interoperability but also harnesses hardware acceleration for enhanced performance.


The original implementation of the kernel regression in Python leverages NumPy and FFT to achieve efficient calculations, reducing computational complexity. However, to deploy such models across multiple platforms with minimal changes, converting the implementation to ONNX proves beneficial. ONNX enables models to be exchanged across frameworks, ensuring seamless integration and a notable boost in performance. Tools like ndonnx and spox further simplify the transition to ONNX by abstracting complex aspects of the conversion process.

1. Core Functionality

The primary goal of the script is to perform kernel regression using FFT to accelerate computations. By applying the FFT, the script efficiently handles convolution-like operations, which are central to kernel density estimation or regression tasks.

Here’s an excerpt of the script we already discussed based on [1] (simplified for clarity):

# %%
import numpy as np
# Simulation
T = 500
X = np.linspace(-5, 5, T) 
Y= (X)**3 + np.random.normal(-0, 10, T)

def epan_kernel(u, b):
    u = u / b
    return max(0, 1. / b * 3. / 4 * (1 - u ** 2))

def kernel_smoothing(X, Y, h):
    kernel = [epan_kernel(x, h) for x in X]
    func_tmp = np.fft.fft(kernel) * np.fft.fft(Y)
    m_fft = (max(X)-min(X))*np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(func_tmp).real)/len(X)
    return m_fft

kernel_smoothing(X, Y, h=0.5)

1.1. Key Components of the Script

The script begins with input data represented by a NumPy array. This includes X, which is an independent variable comprising evenly spaced points between -5 and 5, and Y, the dependent variable following the function Y = X^3 plus some added random noise to simulate real-world conditions. The bandwidth, h, is also specified and controls the degree of smoothing, with smaller values leading to less smoothing and larger values providing greater smoothing.

To enhance computational efficiency, the input data undergoes a Fourier Transform using np.fft.fft(). This transformation shifts the data from the time or spatial domain into the frequency domain, where convolution operations become significantly faster as they translate into pointwise multiplication.

A kernel function, often Gaussian or Epanechnikov, is also transformed into the frequency domain. Applying the kernel involves performing element-wise multiplication between the Fourier-transformed data and the kernel in this domain.

Finally, the result of this multiplication is transformed back into the time domain through an Inverse Fourier Transform using np.fft.ifft(). This step produces the final output, completing the kernel regression process.

1.2. Why FFT Matters Here

The kernel regression problem requires calculating weighted sums or smooth approximations over a dataset. Without FFT, this involves \mathcal{O}(n^2) computations (pairwise operations between all data points). FFT reduces this complexity to \mathcal{O}(n \log n), enabling the script to process large datasets efficiently.

2. Porting the Script to ONNX

2.1: Understanding the Limitation of ndonnx

Currently, ndonnx does not support FFT-related functionality such as np.fft.fft and np.fft.ifft. This limitation means that we cannot directly export scripts involving FFT computations using ndonnx. However, ONNX itself provides operators for Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). By combining ndonnx with spox, we can bypass this limitation.

2.2. Mimicking Functionality within ndonnx

Some operations, while not natively supported, can be mimicked by creatively using existing ndonnx features. One such example is fftshift. This operation rearranges the Fourier transform output, moving the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum. Using ndonnx, we can replicate this behavior with a custom implementation.

Here’s how we might mimic elementwise np.maximum(0,x) in ndonnx:

def ndx_elementwise_max_0(y):
    xy = y.__array_namespace__()
    return ((y+xy.abs(-y)))/2

Certain operations, like FFT, require the use of spox due to the absence of direct support in ndonnx. The spox library allows us to construct ONNX computation graphs that include advanced operators such as DFT, which are crucial for Fourier transform operations.

Example: Implementing FFT with spox:

def fft(x: ndx.Array, inverse: int=0, onesided: int=0) -> ndx.Array:
    var = x.spox_var()
    fft_var = op.dft(var, inverse=inverse, onesided=onesided)
    return ndx.from_spox_var(fft_var)

This method allows direct access to ONNX’s DFT operator through spox, creating a seamless solution for FFT operations. A full overview of the needed polyfills, for example complex multiplication, can be found in the corresponding polyfill script.

2.3 Final Estimator

With this we can then derive the final estimator.

import numpy as np
import ndonnx as ndx
from polyfills import ndx_elementwise_max_0, ndx_elementwise_complex_multiply, fft, ifft, fftshift


# Initializing an array with data
# Simulation
T = 500
X = np.linspace(-5, 5, T) # Oberservation points
Y= (X)**3 + np.random.normal(-0, 10, T)  # Noisy function to estimate

ndx_X = ndx.asarray(X)
ndx_Y = ndx.asarray(Y)

def epan_kernel(u, b):
    u = u / b
    return ndx_elementwise_max_0( 1. / b * 3. / 4 * (1 - u ** 2) )

def kernel_smoother(X, Y, h):
    xy = X.__array_namespace__()
    kernel = epan_kernel(X, h)
    kernel_ft = fft(xy.reshape(kernel, (1, -1, 1)))
    y_ft = fft(xy.reshape(Y, (1, -1, 1)))
    func_tmp = ndx_elementwise_complex_multiply(kernel_ft, y_ft)
    m_fft = (xy.max(X)-xy.min(X))*ifft(func_tmp)[0,:,0]/X.size   # realteil
    return m_fft
# %%

kernel_result = ndx.roll( kernel_smoother(ndx_X, ndx_Y, T**(-1/5)), T//2)

The output represents the smoothed version of the data. The ifft() function approximates the DFT in the range from 0 to \pi. To correctly reorder the output vector from ifft(), a roll() operation is required to shift it right down the middle. However, this operation cannot be performed directly with ndonnx, as determining the concrete shape of a lazy array (in our case X) may not always be feasible.

2. 4 Exporting Model to ONNX

To export a model to ONNX, we define placeholder arrays for the inputs and parameters using ndx.array, specifying their shapes and data types. For instance, X and Y might represent input data, while h is a parameter for the kernel. The model’s computation is defined through a function like kernel_smoother applied to these inputs. Once the relationships between inputs and outputs are established, the model can be built using ndx.build, which takes the inputs and the computed output (y) as its arguments. Finally, the onnx.save function saves the model to disk in ONNX format, allowing for seamless portability and use across different platforms. Let’s have a look at the script:

import onnx
X = ndx.array(shape=("N",), dtype=ndx.float64)
Y = ndx.array(shape=("N",), dtype=ndx.float64)
h = ndx.array(shape=("1"), dtype=ndx.float64)

y = kernel_smoother(X, Y, h)

model = ndx.build({"X": X, "Y": Y, "h": h}, {"y": y})
onnx.save(model, "./kernel_smoother.onnx")

This code captures the workflow, creating a structured yet portable ONNX model ready for deployment. To access the scripts follow this link. With the Netron we can create visualisation of the generated ONNX graph:

kernel smoother (1).onnx (1)
Graph visualisation of kernel smoother.onnx provided by Netron.

2. 4 Load and execute

To load and predict we can now use the .onnx output file we generated earlier with

import onnxruntime as ort
import numpy as np
T = 500
X = np.linspace(-5, 5, T) # Oberservation points
Y= (X)**3 + np.random.normal(-0, 10, T)  # Noisy function to estimate

session = ort.InferenceSession("./kernel_smoother.onnx")
prediction_onnx, = session.run(input_feed={"X": X.reshape(-1,), "Y": Y.reshape(-1,), "h": [h]}, output_names=["y"])

plt.plot( np.roll(  prediction_onnx, T//2) )


[1] {. Fan and {. Gijbels, Local polynomial modelling and its applications, London [u.a.]: Chapman & hall, 1996.
added-at = {2009-08-21T10:31:17.000+0200},
address = {London [u.a.]},
author = {Fan, {Jianqing} and Gijbels, {Irène}},
biburl = {http://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/23e163e04b09550b54a8067f0cbd97b7e/fbw_hannover},
interhash = {de68bea35adadb13da464f65107efce4},
intrahash = {3e163e04b09550b54a8067f0cbd97b7e},
isbn = {0412983214},
keywords = {Equations Mathematische_Statistik Polynomials Regression_analysis},
number = 66,
pagetotal = {XV, 341},
ppn_gvk = {19282144X},
publisher = {Chapman \& Hall},
series = {Monographs on statistics and applied probability series},
timestamp = {2009-08-21T10:31:17.000+0200},
title = {Local polynomial modelling and its applications},
url = {http://gso.gbv.de/DB=2.1/CMD?ACT=SRCHA&SRT=YOP&IKT=1016&TRM=ppn+19282144X&sourceid=fbw_bibsonomy},
year = 1996

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